Saturday, 10 December 2011

Hospital Permai dari udara - latest topography map

Lokasi Hospital Permai dari udara - latest

Old Hospital Permai
New Hospital Permai

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Sambutan Hari Terbuka 2010 - Hospital Permai

Pada setiap tahun, Hospital Permai menyambut akan Hari Terbuka khusus untuk warga Permai dan bagi meraikan pesakit-pesakit. Sambutan ini adalah merupakan sebahagian dari promosi yang berkesan kepada masyarakat dan selain dari itu program ini adalah bagi mencari dana untuk Tabung Kebajikan Pesakit Mental.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Pusat terapi tidur?

Tak hairan pun kerana di Hospital Permai BARU telahpun ada disediakan di Unit Pemulihan. Konsep ini dinamakan 'Sleep Room'. Canggih be ......

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Ucapan Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia sempena Majlis Pecah Tanah

PADA 18 JUN 2007
Saudara Pengerusi Majlis,
YAB Dato’ Haji Abdul Ghani Bin Othman,
Menteri Besar Johor
Dif – dif Kehormat / Dato’ – Dato’ / Datin – Datin / Tuan – Tuan dan Puan – Puan yang saya hormati sekalian.
Salam bahagia dan selamat sejahtera.
1. Terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir dalam majlis yang bersejarah ini. Sesungguhnya kita semua berkumpul di sini sempena menyempurnakan Majlis Pecah Tanah bagi projek pembinaan Hospital Permai Johor Bahru yang baru.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

WHAT is depression?

Once thought of as a incurable mental illness, depression is treatable today, writes DR TING JOE HANG WHAT is depression? All of us have felt depressed at one time or another. Many use the word to express feelings of sadness or emptiness. Depression is more than just sadness. Feeling down or sad occasionally is normal. All of us experience mood changes. Sometimes it lasts for days or longer. Sadness is a normal reaction to life’s struggles, setbacks, and disappointments. But when the feelings of emptiness and despair don’t go away, you may be experiencing depression.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Nostalgia - masihkah KAU ingat?

Masihkah Kau ingat? Itulah judul lagu yang didendangkan oleh Sani Sudin Kumpulan Kopratasa. Warga Permai bakal menikmati Hospital Baru yang serba canggih. Tetapi kita juga jangan lupa kepada yang lama. Masihkah kita ingat akan persekitaran berikut? Ianya bakal menjadi nostalgia yang tidak akan boleh dilupakan.

Minda: Kawal gejala murung di peringkat awal

Oleh Dr Aminudin Mansor
GEJALA penyakit mental sukar dikesan pada peringkat awal. Beberapa faktor yang menyumbang kepada penyakit ini antaranya tekanan perasaan yang tidak dapat dikawal, faktor keturunan dan persekitaran menyebabkan seseorang itu tidak dapat mengawal perasaan serta emosinya terutama ketika marah.
Apatah lagi jika ia membabitkan pelajar di peringkat sekolah khususnya sekolah menengah.

Gangguan mental

KUALA LUMPUR: Suami berselera pelik dan hanya ghairah melihat isteri menderita kesakitan ketika bersama adalah satu penyakit mental yang berbahaya dan sewajarnya memerlukan rawatan.

4 sekolah dipilih perintis kesan penyakit mental

PUTRAJAYA: Empat sekolah dipilih sebagai sekolah perintis bagi melaksanakan satu modul khas bagi mengesan gejala penyakit mental di kalangan remaja pada peringkat awal.

Minda: Bom jangka di kalangan masyarakat

Oleh Sufian Thauri Muhammed

KEJADIAN 30 kanak-kanak dan tiga guru dijadikan tebusan oleh seorang kurang siuman di sebuah tadika di Muar, Julai lalu, membuka mata banyak pihak mengenai bahaya yang boleh ditimbulkan pesakit mental.
Kanak-kanak dan guru terbabit selamat tetapi trauma yang mereka hadapi amat mendalam terutama di kalangan kanak-kanak berkenaan yang terlalu mentah untuk menangani masalah itu dengan pemikiran sematang orang dewasa.

'Bawa ke hospital'

Oleh Maiamalina Mohamed

KUALA LUMPUR: “Keluarga sendiri kena bawa anak yang alami gangguan mental ke hospital untuk rawatan, bukan pihak hospital ambil dia kerana kami tiada kuasa,” kata Pengarah Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta yang juga Pakar Perunding Kanan Psikiatri, Datuk Dr Suarn Singh.

Pesakit mental terjatuh dari tingkat 5 HKL

KUALA LUMPUR: Ketika semua kakitangan Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) sibuk menjalankan tugas, seorang pesakit lelaki dipercayai keluar dari wad sebelum ditemui terlentang berlumuran darah di tingkat bawah bangunan wad, semalam.

Penagih dadah hidap sakit mental meningkat

ALOR STAR: Tabiat meminum air ketum yang dicampur dengan pelbagai bahan tambahan termasuk ubat gegat menjadi antara faktor yang menyumbang kepada peningkatan pesakit mental di kalangan penagih dadah di negeri ini.

Hanya 25 peratus pesakit mental dirawat

KUALA LUMPUR: Masyarakat negara ini berisiko menghidap gangguan mental disebabkan tekanan perasaan termasuk di tempat kerja, rumah dan persekitaran selain sikap orang ramai yang terus mendiskriminasi pesakit mental hingga menyukarkan usaha pemulihan.

Al-Quran ubat jiwa keresahan

BETAPA mahalnya harga ketenangan jiwa. Banyak yang mengorbankan apa saja untuk mendapatkannya. Namun, ramai yang salah cara. Lihat saja orang sanggup menghabiskan berjam-jam tenggelam di tempat hiburan meneguk minuman keras.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Health Ministry to promote mental health, stress management in schools


PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry is seeking to stem the increase in mental illness in the country which rose by 15.6 per cent to 400,227 last year from the previous year, said its minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

He said as the increase was worrying, the ministry would intensify efforts to promote mental health and stress management, including in schools this year.
The increase confirmed the World Health Organisation's forecast that mental illness was expected to increase at the rate of 15 per cent by 2020, he told reporters after chairing a Mental Health Promotion Advisory Council meeting here today.

11% pelajar Kelantan ada masalah mental - pakar

09/08/2011 4:21pm

KOTA BHARU 9 Ogos - Antara 10 dan 11 peratus remaja khususnya pelajar di Kelantan menghadapi masalah mental dan menerima rawatan di Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kubang Kerian, di sini.
Ketua Jabatan Psikiatri HUSM Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd. Jamil Yaacob berkata, mereka ini, yang termasuk murid sekolah rendah, adalah antara lebih 700 pesakit yang menerima rawatan setiap bulan di klinik psikiatri hospital itu termasuk kes berulang.

Mengurus pesakit mental

Ir. Paul Chiew (kanan) menerima sumbangan daripada Institut Kejuruteraan Malaysia Cawangan Miri untuk Persatuan Kaunseling Miri, baru-baru ini.
MIRI 22 Ogos - Masalah gangguan mental bukan perkara baharu, malah kajian National and Health Morbidity Survey dalam tempoh 10 tahun kebelakangan ini mendedahkan 11.2 peratus daripada rakyat Malaysia berusia 16 tahun ke atas cenderung mengalami gangguan jiwa.
Laporan itu turut mendedahkan, jumlah pesakit yang mengalami gangguan jiwa turut meningkat pada setiap tahun namun usaha untuk menangani sepenuhnya isu itu belum mencapai tahap memuaskan.

ECG User Training at Hospital Permai on 22/9/2011

A session of User Training conducted by PMSB on ECG Machine at Bilik Kuliah 2, Hospital Permai.

Directory of Psychiatric Services in Malaysia - PSYCHIATRIC OUTPATIENT CLINICS

  • Call the hospital or clinic concern to verify the schedule before going.
  • To see a psychiatrist, you will need a referral letter. It can be obtained from the GP, or nearest government health clinic or hospital outpatient department (HKL, and some district hospitals only).
Pl click here to check for appointment. Thank you.

In Co-Operation with Malaysia Mental Health Association

Pesakit mental perlu dirawat di dalam komuniti

News : Ini kerana dua pertiga daripada mereka yang mengalami masalah penyakit mental atau Schizophrenia didapati mampu pulih apabila dirawat menggunakan kaedah ini.

Tidak seperti rawatan pesakit jiwa yang diasing dan ditempatkan di Hospital Sakit Jiwa, kaedah rawatan komuniti melibatkan rawatan pesakit oleh keluarganya sendiri dan dibiarkan bercampur dengan masyarakat.

Source :
Date Source: 13/11/2000

Monday, 19 September 2011

Persoalan Agama: Amal doa pagi, petang atasi masalah jiwa


MENGAPA orang sekarang lebih banyak yang mengalami gangguan jiwa daripada orang dulu, sedangkan mereka sudah memiliki harta yang banyak. Ada yang mengatakan mereka sudah memiliki segala-galanya, namun jiwa terasa kosong. Boleh ustaz jelaskan.

Analisis: Internet tak jejas emosi: Psikiatri

Oleh Syuhada Choo Abdullah

Kurang satu peratus tunjuk perubahan tingkah laku

SEORANG pakar psikiatri memberikan analogi dari sudut pandangan peribadinya yang cukup menarik berhubung kesan penggunaan internet yang sering diperdebatkan ramai pihak kerana teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) berupaya menghidangkan segala bentuk pendedahan tanpa sempadan kepada sesiapa saja, termasuk kanak-kanak.

Pesakit mental perlu perhatian

Oleh Rashiqah Ilmi Abd Rahim

Keluarga abai punca bertindak ganas

KUALA LUMPUR: Sikap masyarakat suka mencemuh pesakit mental daripada membantu memulihkan mereka, dikenal pasti antara punca meningkatnya kejadian jenayah membabitkan golongan itu.
Ahli Penasihat Kesihatan Mental merangkap Ahli Majlis Penasihat Promosi Kesihatan Mental Malaysia, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, berkata tindakan ganas pesakit mental termasuk menyembelih, menetak dan mencederakan mangsa menggunakan senjata boleh dielak jika masyarakat lebih peka terhadap individu yang mengalami masalah mental.

Most cases of dementia are not diagnosed - report

By Julie Steenhuysen

CHICAGO (Reuters) - About 28 million of the nearly 36 million people living with Alzheimer's and other dementias have not been diagnosed, robbing them from the benefit of treatments and the chance to have a say in their future care, according to a report released on Tuesday.

CPR in session spearheaded by Encik Veera MA on 19/9/2011

INSTEDT Nursing Students - are you in the photo?

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

As you know it KYPJ Student Nurse attached to Hospital Permai - photo taken 15/9/2011

Majlis Perpisahan Pn. Muniza Hashim pertukaran dari Kewangan Hospital Permai ke Kelantan

Raya gathering at Unit Penyelia Hospital Permai on 15/9/2011

12 Angry Men - This is how you deal with prejudice.

A teen is in court for the murder of his father. The 12 men picked for his jury deliberate on his fate. Amazing movie thats a must watch for ...

Cerita Lucu Melayu Menteri Melawat Rumah Sakit Jiwa

Seorang menteri terhormat mengunjungi sebuah rumah sakit jiwa.
"Bagaimana keadaan kamu?" menteri tersebut bertanya pada pesakit. "Senangkah kamu semua dengan segala apa yang ada disini?"
"Senang tuan!" para pesakit itu bersorak serentak.
"Apakah kelakuan kamu baik disini?"

"Baik tuan," ujar seorang pesakit. "Kerana kami berkelakuan baik, pengarah rumah sakit ini membina sebuah kolam renang untuk kami, lengkap dengan papan anjal. Secara bergiliran kami diizinkan menggunakan papan anjal itu. Kalau kelakuan kami semakin baik, pengarah berjanji akan mengisi kolam renang itu dengan air bulan depan...."

cerita dari

History of Dementeria

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Up to the end of the 19th century, dementia was a much broader clinical concept, which included mental illness and any type of psychosocial incapacity, including those which could be reversed. Dementia at this time simply referred to anyone who had lost the ability to reason, and was applied equally to psychosis of mental illness, "organic" diseases like syphilis which could destroy the brain, and to the dementia associated with old age, which was held to be caused by "hardening of the arteries."

What is Dementia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dementia (taken from Latin, originally meaning "madness", from de- "without" + ment, the root of mens "mind") is a serious loss of cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired person, beyond what might be expected from normal aging. It may be static, the result of a unique global brain injury, or progressive, resulting in long-term decline due to damage or disease in the body. Although dementia is far more common in the geriatric population, it can occur before the age of 65, in which case it is termed "early onset dementia".

History of schizophrenia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eugen Bleuler (1857–1939) coined the term "Schizophrenia" in 1908

The word schizophrenia was coined by Eugen Bleuler in 1911, and was intended to describe the separation of function between personality, thinking, memory, and perception. However, the history of ‘schizophrenia’ is not easy to write. According to some, the disease has always existed only to be ‘discovered’ during the early 20th century. The plausibility of this claim depends upon the success of retrospectively diagnosing earlier cases of madness as ‘schizophrenia’. According to others, ‘schizophrenia’ names a culturally-determined clustering of mental symptoms. What is known for sure is that by the turn of the 20th century the old concept of insanity had become fragmented into ‘diseases’ (psychoses) such as paranoia, dementia praecox, manic-depressive

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Hari Raya Gathering Unit Penyelia Hospital, Hospital Permai Johor Bahru

Hari Raya Function Pengurusan Dept Hospital Permai 2011

erewith photos of Hari Raya Gathering Pengurusan Dept held on 14 Ogos 2011 - 11.00 am at Lecture Room 1, Hospital Permai. You are FREE to download photos at this site. Maaf Zahir & Bathin.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Enggan dapatkan rawatan punca bunuh diri

According to a survey conducted, many people found in the society still refuses to seek further treatment if they have mental problems due to certain factors.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

The New Hospital Permai - lanscape concept

Year 2011 is a history for Hospital Permai Johor Bahru as at this date, the hospital formerly known as Hospital Sakit JiwaTampoi Johor Bahru will move to the new hospital adjacent to the existing hospital. The New Permai Hospital is one of the most advanced hospitals in the asia region. The hospital has various facilities for the treatment of mental patients. The concept of this hospital construction is on par with the futuristic facility.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Hari MINDA Bersama Komuniti

Dear Sir/Madam,


Greeting to you. You are cordially invited to attend the below Mental Health Awareness event as below:

Date:                11hb September 2011
Time:               1.00pm – 5.00pm
Place:              Dewan Sri Tebrau, Johor Bahru

The main focus for this event is on Mental Health Awareness. We will also have other free medical screening for the public and blood donation campaign. (Program Attached)

Monday, 1 August 2011

New Hospital Permai Complex - latest concept & development in SEA

A new landmark will appear in Kempas, Tampoi where a a new hospitals will be completed by 2011. The New Permai Hospital was built to replace the existing Hospital Permai to be preserved as a monument built in early 1937. The new hospital with have 724 beds built ents on a site adjacent to the existing Associate College of Nursing Complex and the New Complex MACC. New Hospital Permai Complex built at the cost provision of RM430 million and construction began on June 19, 2007 and is expected to be completed within 30 months.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

7 Photos To Test Your Mental Health - are you OK?

Photos of this illusion is created by a psychiatrist from Japan named Akiyoshi Kitaoka (A. Kitaoka). He said his study is as follows: -

First level: You Normal

  • If you find that images shown does not move
Level Two: You need to rest, you sleepy, you need a holiday, you stress, you need enough sleep.
  • If you find the images move suddently fast or faster.
Third Level: You need further treatment or see psychiatrist.
  • If you find images shown discolored, betuk or there should be no pictures there.

Patient Monitoring System

HP is a hospital that provides services to curing patients which problems with their mental. As far we know, they should be monitored decently possible. They should be monitor and control continuously by hospital management. HP is still using the manual method to keep track their patients before follow-up of an action. Thus, Hospital Permai Patient's Tracking System (SPPHP) has been developed to monitor all of patients that currently treated on HP. RFID technologies are used in developing this system in order to increase patients monitoring efficiency. RFID technologies are used because it have performance to detect a RFID tag around of RFID reader. The patients whose registered with HP and currently receive treatment on HP will be worn a RFID tag that can be track by RFID reader. Hereby, all patients are freedom to move around in HP area which allowed by HP management. Beside that, it will gave more comfortable to all of patients and then reduces the workers task in order to track where their patients location. Full Thesis - click here

Laughter Theraphy

In the medical world, there are various methods of healing. These methods include methods of healing for psychiatric patients. One of this treatment method is laugh therapy. What is actually laughter therapy? You can obtain information about the link. Click here

Laughter Leader Esther shared Laughter Therapy and demonstrated to the participants from Hospital Permai the right way to clap our hands to enhance blood circulation for healthy living.

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Story of mental illness

A mentally ill man considers himself was too afraid of the corn and chicken. If you saw the animal, he will flee headlong, thinking the chicken will eat it. Finally, the man admitted to a mental hospital. After several months, the doctor carrying out tests on the man to identify what he has recovered or not.

Tribute To Dr Benjamin Chan teck Ming

Since 1998 - 2008 was a golden era for Hospital Permai. Because during the period, it has undergone enormous changes in the development of this hospital. It not only can change the landscape of this hospital from a dreary landscape into a more stimulating landscape even while people's perception of psychiatric treatment has changed. Through various efforts being made there in 2008, this hospital has emerged through a rebranding both physically and in terms of expertise. Now the hospital has been recognized as a leading

Thursday, 23 June 2011


Sleeps Problems

Sleep is, a normal or abnormal. It is a period for people to rest and restore the body and mind. Approximately 10% to 20% of the population suffer from insomnia or sleep problems. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each malarn. These needs vary from person to another person. There are individuals who can function well with just 4 hours of sleep. Children need more sleep than adults.Remember that no person

Si Ibu Perlu Sokongan Berterusan


Schizophrenia is a serious mental disease, causing disruption of perception, thinking, feeling and behavior. It can lead to deterioration of personality, especially when prolonged illness.
Schizophrenia usually begin slowly (and often difficult to detect early stage) and during adolescence or at young age. Individuals may feel a feeling of tension, lack of concentration and social relationships will be disrupted.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Hospital Permai direction - building a new hospital

 This project is one of the new hospital construction project approved by the government for implementation in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (RMK-9). The new hospital has 724 beds and the whole project is expected to be completed within 30 months. The hospital consists of several components, such as outpatient clinics, patient care in rehabilitation services, X-ray, dental and other support services as well as quarters for hospital.Menurut member of the World Healththeir lives.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Hospital Permai - History and Development

Hospital Permai Johor Bahru is one of the other institutions in Malaysia Mental Hospital Bahagia Ulu Kinta, Perak, Hospital Sentosa, Bukit Padang Hospital Sarawak and Sabah. Its area is dotted with picturesque landscape developed jointly by members and patients. The hospital is equipped with approximately 1,500 beds available for patients from the state