Sunday, 19 June 2011

Hospital Permai direction - building a new hospital

 This project is one of the new hospital construction project approved by the government for implementation in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (RMK-9). The new hospital has 724 beds and the whole project is expected to be completed within 30 months. The hospital consists of several components, such as outpatient clinics, patient care in rehabilitation services, X-ray, dental and other support services as well as quarters for hospital.Menurut member of the World Healththeir lives.
 Organization statistics, one in every five people will experience mental illness in all
The study of health and morbidity at the national level by the Ministry of Health in 1996 showed 10.7% of Malaysians suffer mental problems and these statistics are equivalent to international statistics. In 2004, the burden of diseases study done by the Ministry of Health also found that mental illness is the second highest after penyakitjantung disease. Among women, depression was ranked second and anxiety disease ranked 7 and for men depression was ranked second, followed by drug abuse on the ladder to the fourth and alcohol on the stairs 6.

Despite the proven high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, but mental health services are still far behind compared to other medical fields. During the past 20 years, the Ministry of Health has endeavored to provide a network of mental health services more comprehensive. It involves four psychiatric institutions and 26 specialist hospitals in which each memepunyai psychiatric department. We also conduct mental health promotion and campaigns associated with mental illness to raise awareness among Malaysians, especially during World Health Day, held on the 10th October each year. This fact has helped provide an overview of mental illness. It has also been successful in reducing stigma among patients with mental and now people have started to accept their presence and not separate them.

At the local level, mental health services provided by the Hospital Permai Johor Bahru has been accepted by society. This can be evidenced by statistics showing the workload increased by more than 20%. I am also informed that the difference in the number of outpatient Hospital Permai This compared with 10 years ago is highly significant that in 1997, the number coming out is a total of 5,271 patients manakalajumlah in 2006 reached to 14,200 people and is expected to increase to 18,000 by the year . There are only 28 new cases of foreign patients in 1997 and this number increased to 1,082 last year.

This does not include coming to clinics at district hospitals throughout the state of Johor is visited by experts from the psychiatric hospital. Introduction of new services such as psychiatric services and child and youth has also been accepted by the community. There is a sharp increase in home visitation statistics done by the psychiatric community units from 1,115 in 1998 to 5,533 in 2006. Although the Clinic of Children and Youth began conducted in 1999, the arrival statistics to reach 3,400 in 2006. In terms of patient services in the ward, the patients in the ward has declined and this proves the effectiveness of treatment and the system detects the drop-out cases by the unit for outpatient and follow-up conducted by community psychiatric unit. In 80 'an, in-patients by more than 2,000 and now that figure has dropped to about 1,250 today. The Government is committed to providing good facilities for the less fortunate this. In the past, reflects the patient's mental institution locked up and not many treatment interventions that can be given. Now, it is time we devise a plan for comprehensive mental health care and making the hospital as a leading referral center in the region. Planning a new hospital takes into account the needs of the community of services for children and adolescents ¬ children to services for seniors, as well as community service to the forensic service state of the art. Priority will also be emphasized on the aspect of rehabilitation and treatment in the community. I am confident the new hospital will also provide training for various categories of progaram members and always forward in the field of psychiatric research.

In Quotes From:Speech Yb Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek, MinisterHealth, in conjunction with ground-breaking ceremonyProject Hospital Permai, Johor Bahru, JohorOn June 18, 2007
Ground Breaking Ceremony

Early Project Started

Future Project Completed 2011



  1. Sejak dulu lagi banyak maklumat boleh diperolehi dari laman web Permai. Selepas ditutup, kami tidak ada panduan untuk dapatkan maklumat. Kami bangga ada yang masih perihatin kepada kami. Terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan yang buat laman web ini.

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